Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year?

Soooo... I lost my job.

I'm having a hard time with all the optimism out there right now. People on Facebook talking about how great this year is going to be, and how blessed they were last year. People telling me that this is Meant to Be, and that Something Good is out there for me. Um, that's what you said last year. You know, the year I felt like I took up permanent residence in the Pit of Despair, had a horrible streak at work where my boss who I had thought was one of my best friends decided she despised me and in fact could not take the sight of me or the sound of my voice, and then I lost said job. So a really great year. But I'm told Everything Happens for a Reason. Apparently I needed to learn what pain feels like. Lots and lots of isolating horrible pain.

Despite the incredibly bitter tinge to this post, I've actually been doing OK this week. Have been doing a passable job of not wallowing until today, and I have found things to keep me busy and positive. I do feel like I will get a job soon. I just am not excited about it. I'm tired of feeling like Someday this will all make sense. Can one of these lessons conclude so that I can see the point and feel like maybe some of this stuff will have an end?