Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Anger and Despair

Anger and Despair,
Anger and Despair,
Do dodo dooo
Anger and Despair.

I thought maybe if I made up a cute little song about my crazy, it would be kind of cute and fun. Maybe whimsical. Not so much.

I'm having one of my really angry cranky weeks. I'm feeling some anger toward pretty much anyone who crosses my path. Holy crazy. My sweet, well intentioned man came over last night with the intention of cheering me up. I had to work very hard at not biting his head off. He does not have the experience with depression to understand that the plan of "cheering up" a depressed person does not necessarily work. He did make me feel loved and warm for a minute. But then I think it might have backfired somehow, because we ended the evening with him annoyed with me. I'm not even totally clear on what it was that he was upset about. I'm not saying he was upset for no reason... but I have no idea what I did. I was trying very hard not to be irritable and angry with him. I don't know if he felt like I was being cold because I was holding back... I'm not really sure.

I hate how my depression seems to cripple my relationships. Bleh.


  1. Hi Crankygirl - I stumbled across your blog after searching my symptoms on google. Depressed, anxious,cranky, angry, lost...bla bla bla. Feel like someone has stolen the real me. Anyhow, if you ever fancy chatting to someone in the same boat here's me email (well its not actuually my proper account but one where no one can identify me) sarahjhowlet@gmail.com

  2. Sorrry "sadgirl", not "crankygirl".....blame my brain chemicals ;)

  3. Hey! i have similar problems as yours, we should talk sometime :)
